Quatre nouveaux séminaristes des Missionnaires de la Miséricorde reçoivent l'habit à Tuolon, France Deo gratias !
Heiliger Erzengel Raffael shares this
Bishop Schneider, Is It Okay to Receive Holy Communion Twice?
Biblischer Jesus = Kommunion im Tabernakel
Herr Konrad
Es gibt keinen erfundenen Jesus, lesen sie mal die Bibel.
pater pauperum
Der moderne Jesus ist der erfundene protestantische Jesus
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St Paul commands it
charisma shares this
Mindent, ami szent, az egyház beborítja egy fátyollal.
Heiliger Erzengel Raffael shares this
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Traditional Catholic college in Maryland 'greatly saddened' by impending Latin Mass suppression - …

HAGERSTOWN, Maryland (LifeSiteNews) — A traditional Catholic college in northwest Maryland has issued …
Ann Smith
Jorge continues doing what was planned for a very long time. God help us
Prozession zu Ehren der Patrona Bavaria - durch die Regensburger Altstadt mit dem Priesterseminar der Piusbruderschaft (FSSPX) Zaitzkofen - für den Triumph des unbefleckten Herzens Mariens. Datum: …More
Prozession zu Ehren der Patrona Bavaria - durch die Regensburger Altstadt mit dem Priesterseminar der Piusbruderschaft (FSSPX) Zaitzkofen - für den Triumph des unbefleckten Herzens Mariens. Datum: Samstag 04.05.2024 Beginn: 17:00 Uhr Treffpunkt: Regensburg, Stadtamhof Hauptstraße
Mir vsjem
Wieviel Jahre schon stützt sich die FSSPX auf Weiheformeln, Weihegebete, sogar der vorweggenommenen Russlandweihe, auf Andachten, Prozessionen und …More
Wieviel Jahre schon stützt sich die FSSPX auf Weiheformeln, Weihegebete, sogar der vorweggenommenen Russlandweihe, auf Andachten, Prozessionen und Wallfahrten. Bis heute nichts erreicht beim lieben GOTT. Warum wohl?
Ein einziger Akt eines wahren Papstes der Katholischen Kirche hätte genügt, die Welt vor dem kommenden Krieg zu bewahren, also den Frieden zu sichern, die Sünder zu bekehren, den Triumph des Unbefleckten Herzen Mariens zu erlangen und den Sieg der Katholischen Kirche. Dieser einzige Akt - die Weihe Russlands an das Unbefleckte Herz Mariens in Einheit mit den Bischöfen - ist bewiesenermaßen bis heute nicht geschehen. Und nur dies allein in der Botschaft von Fatima war die Bedingung für die Abwendung des Krieges, der Rettung der Seelen und der Triumph des Unbefleckten Herzen Mariens.
pater pauperum shares this
Krardinal Burke zelebrierte am Ostersonntag ein traditionelles Pontifikalamt in der Kirche Saints Michel et Gaëtan in Florenz (Florenz, Italien).
Il cardinale Burke ha celebrato una tradizionale Messa pontificale la domenica di Pasqua nella chiesa di Saints Michel et Gaëtan a Firenze (Italia).
Bishop Schneider, Is It Okay to Use Hypnosis?
John A Cassani
He is wrong to imply that hypnosis is bad by reason of its object. Hypnosis can only be entered into willingly, and can be done to oneself. Brainwashing …More
He is wrong to imply that hypnosis is bad by reason of its object. Hypnosis can only be entered into willingly, and can be done to oneself. Brainwashing techniques, like “gaslighting,” are manipulative, and are morally illicit, largely because they involve lying to the subject.
Dr Bobus
I wonder whether he thinks hypnosis is "morally illicit," if someone goes to a hypnotist in order to stop cigarette smoking.
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Strickland today, "Enough with a corrupt Vatican"
pater pauperum shares this
Another critical opinion on the Rostand scandal

PR Amateur Hour: SSPX and the Rostand scandal -

As most readers are certainly aware, on April 4, 2024, former United States District Superior of the SSPX, Fr. Arnaud Rostand, admitted to a criminal court …
Sean Johnson
Pretty much echoes my own thoughts. Interesting that Louis does not comment on Christine Niles’ unconfirmed claim that the light sentence the French …More
Pretty much echoes my own thoughts. Interesting that Louis does not comment on Christine Niles’ unconfirmed claim that the light sentence the French prosecutor is seeking is the result of a plea bargain, in exchange for Rostand providing information regarding other alleged SSPX predator priests. Perhaps he’s unaware of it, or perhaps he thinks it premature to comment on that particular aspect.
James Manning
Kennedy Hall's knee jerk defense of the SSPX really turned me off. He strikes me as dedicated to truth until his sacred cow is in the limelight. It's …More
Kennedy Hall's knee jerk defense of the SSPX really turned me off. He strikes me as dedicated to truth until his sacred cow is in the limelight. It's as though he can't believe that SSPX priests are also human and prone to the same corruption that has plagued the wider Church.
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Candace Owens is now Catholic!!! Baptized! Deo gratias!
Maria delos Angeles
I did not go back there since they cancelled the TLM at short notice during the lockdowns. I realised, finally, only that could happen in the Church of …More
I did not go back there since they cancelled the TLM at short notice during the lockdowns. I realised, finally, only that could happen in the Church of the Novus Ordo, so I started going SSPX in accordance as canon law allows, and never looked back
All Saints
Is she in pajamas??
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Religious Vows in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X | RUFFEC 2024 On Sunday (the 7th of April 2024), Sunday in albis or Quasimodo Sunday, Mgr Alphonse de Galarreta celebrated …More
Religious Vows in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X | RUFFEC 2024
On Sunday (the 7th of April 2024), Sunday in albis or Quasimodo Sunday, Mgr Alphonse de Galarreta celebrated a pontifical mass in the priory church of Saint-Martial de Ruffec during which the taking of the habit and the religious professions of the Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X took place.
The priory of Saint-Martial, situated in Ruffec-le-Château, in Indre, is now the seat of the French-speaking novitiate of the Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X.
The Congregation of the Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X aims to support the apostolate of the priests of the FSSPX. Its founders, Monsignor Marcel Lefebvre and Mother Marie-Gabriel Lefebvre, his sister, came from the Missionary Congregation of the Holy Ghost.
These religious consecrate themselves to God through the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience after two and a half years of formation in one of the four novitiates, places …More
Bishop Schneider, Should I Bury the Ashes of My Nephew?
The most important relationship you’ll ever have … 😭🙌🏼🔥💯✔️👑
Heiliger Josef shares this
Just another Homosex Eucharist
Wilma Lopez shares this
MEANWHILE AT ST LOUIS UNIVERSITY A Dominican priest offers a blasphemous Mass at a Jesuit university.More
A Dominican priest offers a blasphemous Mass at a Jesuit university.
Billy F
Diabolical Disorientation!
Fronleichnam im Schloss Jaidhof Liebe Gläubige! In einem Monat, am 30.5.2024, feiern wir wieder das Fronleichnamsfest in Jaidhof! Schon heute eine sehr herzliche Einladung an alle! Bringen Sie wieder …More
Fronleichnam im Schloss Jaidhof Liebe Gläubige! In einem Monat, am 30.5.2024, feiern wir wieder das Fronleichnamsfest in Jaidhof! Schon heute eine sehr herzliche Einladung an alle! Bringen Sie wieder viele Freunde mit, damit es wieder viele hunderte ergriffene Teilnehmer werden wie in den letzten Jahren. Kommen Sie zur Prozession und stärken Sie Ihren Glauben! Das Opfer der Anreise lohnt sich immer! Der kürzlich verstorbene Bischof von Chur Vitus Huonder sagte noch: Die Prozession in Jaidhof war die schönste Fronleichnamsprozession seines Lebens. Hier sehen Sie ein Video der großen Prozession im letzten Jahr! Gottes reichen Segen! P. Johannes Regele, Distriktoberer
Lateinische Messe ad orientem in der Kaiserkapelle der Hofburg in Wien (Österreich)
Heiliger Josef shares this
Lay Movement Launches International Campaign for ‘Total Freedom of the Traditional Liturgy’

Lay Movement Launches International Campaign for ‘Total Freedom of the Traditional Liturgy’ - Edward …

Being a Catholic in 2024 is no easy endeavour. The West is undergoing a massive de-Christianization,…
I pray that this is a success. We, the people are dealing with Thughs that took over the Vatican. It will take a miracle from heaven, an act from God …More
I pray that this is a success. We, the people are dealing with Thughs that took over the Vatican. It will take a miracle from heaven, an act from God to make a difference.
Wilma Lopez shares this
"We simply ask, for the sake of the true freedom of the children of God in the Church, that the full freedom of the traditional liturgy... be granted,…More
"We simply ask, for the sake of the true freedom of the children of God in the Church, that the full freedom of the traditional liturgy... be granted, so that, without hindrance, in the Latin rite, all the faithful may benefit from it & all clerics may celebrate it."
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"Sein letzter Wunsch" - Predigt zur Beerdigung von Bischof Vitus Huonder - Bischof Bernard Fellay FSSPX
Fahrer von Ars shares this
Möge er ruhen in Frieden. + Vitus Huonder
Fahrer von Ars
O Herr gib ihm die ewige Ruhe und das ewige Licht leuchte ihm. Herr, lasse ihn ruhen in Frieden. Amen.
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Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, Dabei will ich verbleiben. Es mag mich auf die rauhe Bahn Not, Tod und Elend treiben; So wird Gott mich Ganz väterlich In seinen Armen halten; Drum laß ich ihn nur …More
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, Dabei will ich verbleiben. Es mag mich auf die rauhe Bahn Not, Tod und Elend treiben; So wird Gott mich Ganz väterlich In seinen Armen halten; Drum laß ich ihn nur walten.