Lisi Sterndorfer
Lisi Sterndorfer teilt von Lisi Sterndorfer
Seminaristen in Wigratzbad sind noch im Mai beim Schifahren
FSSP, Wigratzbad: Nous sommes déjà au mois de mai, mais on skie encore dans les montagnes de la région de Wigratzbad...
Lisi Sterndorfer
FSSP, Wigratzbad: Nous sommes déjà au mois de mai, mais on skie encore dans les montagnes de la région de Wigratzbad...
Lisi Sterndorfer teilt das
Seminaristen in Wigratzbad sind noch im Mai beim Schifahren
Lisi Sterndorfer
Cardinal Raymond Burke visited St. Leo Oratory on their Patronal Feast Day this past April 11.
A true shepherd in the American Church. Thank you, Cardinal Burke!
Lisi Sterndorfer
1 maggio, presso il seminario dell'Istituto a Gricigliano, Italia 🇮🇹 Il vescovo Glen John Provost della diocesi di Lake Charles offre il Santo Sacrificio della Messa! 🙏🏼
pater pauperum teilt das
Mario Sedevacantista Colucci teilt das
Lisi Sterndorfer
Twenty-seven children made their First Holy Communion at the Christ the King parish in Pittsburgh last Saturday
This is a great parish! Many faithful Catholic families who have held onto the Faith since the start of the novus ordo form this parish. It's evolution …Mehr
This is a great parish! Many faithful Catholic families who have held onto the Faith since the start of the novus ordo form this parish. It's evolution has quite a history in Pittsburgh. A real blessing to finally have a priest from the Institute of Christ the King!
pater pauperum teilt das
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Lisi Sterndorfer
Bishop Schneider, Is There a Substitute to Fasting?

Fr John Hunwicke, RIP

I am very saddened to report (via the Facebook page of the Oxford Oratory) that the great Fr John Hunwicke died on Tuesday, after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. As many of …
Josefa Menendez
He was a great holy priest and he will be missed deeply. Rest in peace dear Fr John. 🙏
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Pater Firmin Udressy FSSPX, ehemaliger Distriktoberer in Deutschland, wird im Sommer nach Kanada versetzt.
Sunamis 49
ist er aus demfranzödischsprachigem teil der schweiz? ich fand seine predigten auch sehr schönMehr
ist er aus demfranzödischsprachigem teil der schweiz?
ich fand seine predigten auch sehr schön
Stefan B.
Die Predigten von Pater Udressy, die regelmäßig auf dem Youtube Kanal der Piusbruderschaft-Niederlassung in Wil, Kanton Sankt Gallen gestreamt werden …Mehr
Die Predigten von Pater Udressy, die regelmäßig auf dem Youtube Kanal der Piusbruderschaft-Niederlassung in Wil, Kanton Sankt Gallen gestreamt werden, haben mir immer gut gefallen. Eine echte Bereicherung, für die Gläubigen in Kanada. Er strahlt eine enorme Feinfühligkeit und Andacht aus. Vielleicht kommt er ja in den frz.-sprachigen Teil Kanadas, dann wäre es für ihn linguistisch ein "Heimspiel".
Cardinal Victor Fernández, prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, will be the principal consecrator at the June 22nd episcopal ordination of Fr David Waller, the newly appointed Ordinary …Mehr
Cardinal Victor Fernández, prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, will be the principal consecrator at the June 22nd episcopal ordination of Fr David Waller, the newly appointed Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.
I would want almost anybody but him as my Episcopal Consecrator....almost anybody.
Bishop Schneider, Is It True that Only Few Are Going to Heaven?
Ivan Tomas
But, but, how can we go to preach the Gospel, when that man in white whom you unfortunately keep calling a pope, teaches us that proselitism is a grave sin! …Mehr
But, but, how can we go to preach the Gospel, when that man in white whom you unfortunately keep calling a pope, teaches us that proselitism is a grave sin!
And, by the way, which gospel?!
The real one, or another one?
Maybe that one of the V2 modernists, which that man in white, who you still keep calling a pope, brought by now to the highest level? Or shall I better say, a lowest level in a sense of true Catholicism?
Since we are not allowed to say any more Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, what gospel then we should preach?
And to whom, any way? When we all together will be saved, or at least the very bad guys will disappear somehow. Because, to hell with the Hell, - that nasty place, which if it even exist, then it must be empty, right!? No matter what!
So then, instead you are urging us to preach the gospel, but we don't know for sure which one, that one before or after V2, the one which is written, approved by the holy Church fathers as s. Jeronimus, s. Augustinus, s. Ambrosius and …Mehr
Eric Frankovitch teilt das
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"The progressive priests who dominated the U.S. church in the years after Vatican II are now in their 70s and 80s. Many are retired. Some are dead. Younger priests, surveys show, are far more conservative."

Regime News Agency: Catholics Take Over Church in the USA

The former news agency published on May 1 a description of the U.S. Church written by a certain Tim Sullivan. Pay attention to the propagandistic tune of the article [corrected with the …Mehr
The former news agency published on May 1 a description of the U.S. Church written by a certain Tim Sullivan. Pay attention to the propagandistic tune of the article [corrected with the expressions in brackets]. Quotes.
• “Across the U.S., the Catholic Church is undergoing an immense shift. Generations of Catholics who embraced the modernising tide [=secularisation] sparked in the 1960s by Vatican II are increasingly giving way to religious conservatives [he means: people who love the Church] who believe [he means: who understand] the church has been twisted by change, with the promise of eternal salvation replaced by guitar Masses, parish-food and casual indifference to church doctrine.”
• “The shift, moulded by plummeting church attendance, increasingly traditional [=Catholic] priests and growing numbers of young Catholics searching for more orthodoxy, has reshaped parishes across the country, leaving them sometimes at odds with Francis and much of the [ex]-Catholic world.” …Mehr
Jeffrey Ade
@john333 I was thinking the same thing! You can be as conservative as you like, but with out Holy Orders we become simply pious men! Our Lady of Fatima …Mehr
@john333 I was thinking the same thing! You can be as conservative as you like, but with out Holy Orders we become simply pious men! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Paul vi changed formula consecrating bishop think about it
Lisi Sterndorfer teilt von Cornelio Nino Morales
Kardinal Rouco Varela feierte Alte Lateinische Messe im "Colegiata" von Madrid
El Cardenal Rouco Varela preside Misa tradicional celebrada en la Colegiata de Madrid
Bishop Schneider, How Can We Live Happily as Catholics Amidst Troubling Times?

10 Problems in the Traditional Catholic Movement

10 Problems in the Traditional Catholic Movement We come now to traditionalist problems which are actually affecting the process of recouping their …
Tony Smith
A cause for reflection and prayers. Good points.
James Manning
Classic article.
Bishop Schneider, Can We Lay Our Hands and Pray to Other People?
Geh mutig voran. Fürchte dich vor nichts. Vertraue auf Gott; alles wird gut.
Novena - Oremus
Heilige Johanna von Orléans, bete für uns! Betet, dass die Jugend Frankreichs sich wieder in der Liebe zu Christus und seiner Kirche erhebt und die …Mehr
Heilige Johanna von Orléans, bete für uns! Betet, dass die Jugend Frankreichs sich wieder in der Liebe zu Christus und seiner Kirche erhebt und die älteste Tochter der Kirche heimbringt.
First Communion - spot the difference
pater pauperum teilt das
All Saints
First Sacrilege vs First Holy Communion
Wer von den Gloria-Usern ist dabei? Altötting-Wallfahrt direkt nach Fronleichnam

Wallfahrt in Altötting 2024 - Pro Sancta Ecclesia

Altöttinger Wallfahrtstage Die Altöttinger Wallfahrtstage im überlieferten lateinischen Ritus werden seit 2000 von der Vereinigung Pro Sancta Ecclesia …
maxi57 teilt das
Wer von den Gloria-Usern ist dabei? Altötting-Wallfahrt direkt nach Fronleichnam
Erzherzog Eugen
Das mag vielleicht ihr Problem sein das Forum jedenfalls dürfte damit keine Probleme haben mit dem sie als Satanisten bezeichnen
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Low Mass in an English country house chapel in the heart of the Shire
pater pauperum teilt das
Novus Ordo Liturgie, zelebriert vom Budapester Erzbischof Peter Erdo.
Jeffrey Ade
@Quaerens I like your comment. I thought at first of course you are right, but then it is a Novus Ordo Mass after all! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Die Kameraleute vor dem Altarraum sind irgendwie deplaziert.