Opera 369
Opera 369

Sembra che oramai la moda sia questa, sacerdoti in abiti civili, che fanno gli influencer invece di …

Quello (dalla fine del mondo) gli ha spalancato le porte degli armadi... ed eccoli, tutti fuori a fare "i super normali" ma inutili ai tanti e a quella che doveva essere la loro vocazione originale (per la quale continuano a ricevere lo stipendio mensile... ubbidendo a quello vestito di bianco).
Opera 369

Questo è il Prefetto del Sant’Uffizio. Un linguaggio profetico, lindo

Ecco, che parla l'autorita' sulla sessualita' in Chiesa. Ma che se ne tornasse dritto dritto in Argentina, col suo piu' stretto amicone vestito di bianco (sporco)! C'e' la pachamama ( e sua nonna-ragno) che li aspetta per fare qualche rito pagano! Che si liberi l'Italia da questi personaggi .... inutili, distruttivi e offensivi alla Chiesa di Roma, alla Chiesa di Cristo!
Opera 369

Francis: "Homosexual Couples Cannot Be Blessed" (sic)

One day to the left, one day to the right, one day .. no where at all. Just to confuse the audience, any audience. This man.. This ...whatever he is, should just, genuflect on pebbles and mortify himself for 11 years worth of anti-Christic rhetoric and practices! He just loves 'publicity' any type of publicity, as long as he, dressed in white, is the protagonist.
Opera 369

Ancora a ... Bologna (terra di .... ombre brutte)

Why this video? Simply because in Zuppi's city, Bologna, they are 'praying' the Hail Mary - but not the 'traditional' that we Catholics have known forever, but a 'new version' . Yes, of course, under the argentinian gnostic, synodal new church' it had to happen! After the change to the Our Father, now the Hail Mary. The new version adds: "blessed is the lord of the light" just before "the fruit …More
Why this video? Simply because in Zuppi's city, Bologna, they are 'praying' the Hail Mary - but not the 'traditional' that we Catholics have known forever, but a 'new version' . Yes, of course, under the argentinian gnostic, synodal new church' it had to happen! After the change to the Our Father, now the Hail Mary. The new version adds: "blessed is the lord of the light" just before "the fruit of your womb Jesus". The author of the video, a renown journalist, author has been reporting for the last 5 years, the "errors" and heresies of the bergoglian circus. Including all the efforts to make sure that Jesus is replaced by 'the lord of the light'. Who is the lord of the light?....We all know. It is the fallen one. The one that St. Michael sank down. Many of you know it very well, and this 'lord' of theirs, is NOT JESUS. But the idol of the bergoglian Anti-Church. So beware, do NOT PRAY this new version of the Hail Mary, nor the Our Father in its new version - made by fake pope Bergoglio. And 'escape' any event and refuse any type of 'praying' that includes: 'the lord of the light'. These are NOT DOCTRINAL CATHOLIC PRAYERS. That's all...... and that is plenty!
Opera 369

ERESIE DELL'OPERA VALTORTIANA L'opera di María Valtorta presenta così tante irregolarità che è …

...chi e' "la Chiesa"...? Quella fatta da ognuno? Sedevacantisti, tradizionalisti, mistici, catechiste da strapazzo o sinodalisti Bergogliani? Povera Italia persa o venduta ...ai satanisti alla moda!
Opera 369

La Segre compie l'«esecuzione» di Giorgia

I soldi, sempre i soldi che .... circolano.
Opera 369

I 5 errori più comuni nella Confessione

Bravo Sacerdote. (Qualcuno e' rimasto....)
Opera 369

ERESIE DELL'OPERA VALTORTIANA L'opera di María Valtorta presenta così tante irregolarità che è …

Naturalmente...oggi siamo, si, tutti esperti!
Opera 369

‘Satanic, Evil’: King Charles Unveils Hellish Self-Portrait

It's the only way he could make himself ... ' stand out' (wrapped in ugliness)!
Opera 369

Elderly Belgian Woman Wants to Become 'Deacon', Sues Church

These women... (why deaconess..?) She can't find a different vocation? It surely isn't to "serve-love the Lord" ! Must be just the 'fever of entitlement'...just because society/church is so messed up!
Opera 369

Pope Francis: ‘Knowledge must be inclusive’ - Vatican News

Please give that man dressed in white, blabbering away as if he's an authority on anything ethical, a huge -wide-long mirror, so that he sees himself well, before he opens his mouth......! Maybe then, he'll start despising himself and question his activities.
Opera 369

The Pope Invites Gavin Newsom To Speak About Climate Change At The Vatican

Wow, imagine that! Did anyone have any doubt....that eventually CEO of Vatican, dressed in white, would give this guy ...an 'audience'? They are both going down in popularity... so they have to join their (evil) forces! The 'fallen angel' wears many masks...to elevate himself.
Opera 369

African priest: Bishops and cardinals must publicly correct Pope Francis’ many heresies - LifeSite

I would correct it, one step deeper. This man was put on the Chair of Peter by St. Gallen Mafiosi (cardinals), to make sure that what he has done in the past 11 years, happened: demolish Catholicism publicly for the benefit of pagan/modernist/gnostic sects! So, the 'true Cardinals' (elected by Ratzinger and Wojtyla) should declare the conclave of 2013 'null and void'; Pope Benedict XVI was still …More
I would correct it, one step deeper. This man was put on the Chair of Peter by St. Gallen Mafiosi (cardinals), to make sure that what he has done in the past 11 years, happened: demolish Catholicism publicly for the benefit of pagan/modernist/gnostic sects! So, the 'true Cardinals' (elected by Ratzinger and Wojtyla) should declare the conclave of 2013 'null and void'; Pope Benedict XVI was still the only Pope when he died in 2023.
Opera 369

Shocker: 72% of Catholics Don’t Go to Sunday Mass?

They call Novus Ordo .. "going to Mass"? (and they don't even ask why no one (in their right FAITH) repudiates it?) Journalists should go back to study 'journalism', the way it was meant to me, a service to society.
Opera 369

Christ founded one Church

Sorry 'lady Protestant', don't carry a Bible if you never really read it, to understand the TRUE MESSAGE!
Opera 369

Italy Blasts ‘Desperate’ Macron for ‘Dangerous’ Rhetoric on Russian-Ukraine War

He (mac -a -ron) must be going thru 'andropause" (the menopause for men) and just can't deal with it, except to want to 'declare war' and send better (saner) Frenchmen to fight for him. Mac-ron, a ...distant cousin and wanna be 'napoleon'!
Opera 369

Pay attention and share while this video still exists

Bergoglio: the masonic puppet of the anti-Christ!
Opera 369

Pay attention and share while this video still exists

@giveusthisday With in-depth research and guided by logic and the Holy Spirit, Fr. Mawdsley was quite capable of exposing "the satanical hoax". To much rage of those that had made Piccaretta their ...go to saint (purposely used lower case).
Opera 369

Tucho Spills the Beans: Fiducia Supplicans was Issued to Prevent Derailment of the Synod

Bergoglio is the (abyssal dark) mind, Tucho ('kiss him mucho') is the 'tentacle' of the octopus! To think that these satanical heretics are living in the majesty of the Vatican and usurping the Chair.... is just maddening!
Opera 369

... secondo la dittatura di quell'uomo di bianco vestito (un bianco sempre piu' sporco) chiunque parli …

This saintly Priests is being 'punished' by "merciful" Jorgo for having spoken out against the made up 'gnostic doctrine' of the dictatorial jesuit. The Priest from Ivory Coast will have to face the 'investigator body of Bergoglian gendarmerie' on May 8th. Obviously they will give him the choice of retracting all his criticism (telling the truth by obeying the Gospel of the Lord) or .... being '…More
This saintly Priests is being 'punished' by "merciful" Jorgo for having spoken out against the made up 'gnostic doctrine' of the dictatorial jesuit. The Priest from Ivory Coast will have to face the 'investigator body of Bergoglian gendarmerie' on May 8th. Obviously they will give him the choice of retracting all his criticism (telling the truth by obeying the Gospel of the Lord) or .... being 'defrocked'. So it goes, this is the mercy of Bergoglio for who does not obey his 'wokeness'.