Dream of a Crystal Cathedral. The Sainte Chapelle of Paris and the Dream of a Crystal Cathedral MORE IN THE BLOG CATEDRAIS MEDIEVAIS In some Gothic constructions, a dream begins to arise. It is the …More
Dream of a Crystal Cathedral.
The Sainte Chapelle of Paris and the Dream of a Crystal Cathedral
In some Gothic constructions, a dream begins to arise.
It is the dream of abolishing granite and transforming everything into crystal.
This dream germinates precisely in the Sainte Chapelle of Paris.
The Sainte Chapelle has strictly the stones it needs to support its roof and serve as frame for its stain glass windows.
The person who conceived the Sainte-Chapelle would feel fully accomplished if he were able to erect a building totally made of crystal. The soul of medieval man was like a chest with many treasures. They would draw from it one treasure after another. Medieval men had many treasures and riches in their profoundly Catholic souls. It all came from their filial, tender and yet manly devotion to Our Lady. Through the Mother of God, they would soar like rockets to Our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior. They slowly and gradually manifested those riches, …More
¡Qué tiempos aquellos en que la cultura, el arte y la arquitectura servían para dar culto a Dios y elevar el alma del hombre a la Belleza Infinita!
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