Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Dr. Ivancsó István gör. kat. pap professzor, pápai prelátus 2019. november 5-én a rókahegyi kápolnában tartott előadást Veronika kendőjéről. Forrás: Dr. Ivancsó István: Veronika kendőjetöbb
Dr. Ivancsó István gör. kat. pap professzor, pápai prelátus 2019. november 5-én a rókahegyi kápolnában tartott előadást Veronika kendőjéről.
Dr. Ivancsó István: Veronika kendője
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Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Szent Liturgia Örmény Szertartásban – Debrecen, 2008. december 13. Dr. Leszkovszky Pál domonkos atya végzi a liturgiát (2007-ig a budapesti örmény katolikus templom kisegítő lelkésze, majd plébániai …több
Szent Liturgia Örmény Szertartásban – Debrecen, 2008. december 13.
Dr. Leszkovszky Pál domonkos atya végzi a liturgiát (2007-ig a budapesti örmény katolikus templom kisegítő lelkésze, majd plébániai kormányzója). A felvétel a debreceni Istenszülő Oltalma görög katolikus templomban (ma Hajdúdorogi Főegyházmegyei Székesegyház) készült.
Örmény rítusú Szent Liturgia
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
SPECIAL REPORT: St. Alphonsus for the 21st Century Author Stephen Kokx shares with us his insights into the importance of the life and writings of St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696–1787). His insights are …több
SPECIAL REPORT: St. Alphonsus for the 21st Century
Author Stephen Kokx shares with us his insights into the importance of the life and writings of St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696–1787). His insights are personal and inspiring. The founder of the Redemptorists and author of the most famous Way of the Cross has much wisdom to inspire Catholics in the midst of the ongoing crisis in the Church. Be sure to listen until the end of the interview when Mr. Kokx shares an interesting insight into the recent persecution of Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas.
Brian McCall
With degrees from Yale University, the University of London, and the University of Pennsylvania, Mr. McCall is a member of the faculty of the University of Oklahoma College of Law. Mr. McCall became Editor-in-Chief of Catholic Family News in 2018. He is the author of numerous books and articles on law, politics, and Catholic Social Teaching and has made frequent speaking appearances at academic and Catholic conferences on these …több
Edie Loughmiller
It's a shame how modern editors have removed so much of the beauty and inspiration from the writings of St Alphonsus. I think it's absolutely essential …több
It's a shame how modern editors have removed so much of the beauty and inspiration from the writings of St Alphonsus. I think it's absolutely essential to stick with pre-Vatican II editions.
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Now more than ever is the time for the Jewish nation to consider Jesus Christ, Son of David, as the answer and way for authentic peace in Israel. John-Henry Westen: An open letter to PM Benjamin …több
Now more than ever is the time for the Jewish nation to consider Jesus Christ, Son of David, as the answer and way for authentic peace in Israel.
John-Henry Westen:
An open letter to PM Benjamin Netanyahu and all Jewish people on the way to peace
Dear Mr. Netanyahu, here is the road to peace for your nation.
In the Hebrew Bible, peace is mentioned quite frequently. “When a man’s ways please the Lord,” we read in Proverbs 16, “he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” Peace depends on the Almighty as the Psalms reveal: “For you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” (Ps. 4:8)
So let me tell you in all honesty, Mr. Netanyahu, I have the key to peace for you and for your people. But let me begin with why I’m wanting to share this with you.
It relates to the immense love and gratitude that I hold in my heart for the Jewish people. The example of your people has molded my life, has inspired my mind and heart, and in fact gives my life meaning and purpose.
Father Abraham, with his …több
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
I need a few words, yes, I know you leave, I need a caress, may the last that you give. Some day on your journey your heart will recall This land, your home, won’t let go, it calls your soul. Look far …több
I need a few words, yes, I know you leave,
I need a caress, may the last that you give.
Some day on your journey your heart will recall
This land, your home, won’t let go, it calls your soul.
Look far, fly high walking on the stars
Feel me, gone away, the suffering that was ours.
When the trees reach the sky and the shine has touched the earth,
You will know where to go to find your land of birth . Fly fly higher higher where the falcons fly, Their wings will take you home where your fathers, brothers lie. More hope, more faith willing for tomorrow, This world, it’s no more a land of pain and sorrow. The trees will reach the sky and the shine will touch the earth, You will know where to go to find your land of birth. Fly fly higher higher where the falcons fly, Their wings will take you home where your fathers, brothers lie. No tears, no fears, More hope, more faith. If you’re lost, your heart aches, Turn back your home awaits. Source: Demjén Ferenc: Fly Fly (Kell még egy szó angol verzió)
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Bishop Strickland responds to accusations of diocesan mismanagement that led to his removal On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland addresses the allegations of …több
Bishop Strickland responds to accusations of diocesan mismanagement that led to his removal
On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland addresses the allegations of mismanagement surrounding his dismissal as bishop of Tyler, Texas, discusses the concept of reverence, and offers brief commentary on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) meeting in Baltimore that took place earlier this month.
Strickland begins the show by addressing allegations of financial mismanagement of the Diocese of Tyler that led to his removal as bishop. He also reiterates that he was removed from the active episcopate because there are forces within the Vatican that seek to change the depositum fidei.
According to him, the alleged mismanagement happened in the midst of the McCarrick scandal in 2018, when three diocesan officials “were trying to run the dioceses according to their will and using me as a bishop.” All three have since moved on with their lives …több
Bishop Strickland: I have a duty before God to defend truth against the father of lies Note: This episode was recorded prior to the announcement of Strickland’s removal as bishop of Tyler, Texas. On …több
Bishop Strickland: I have a duty before God to defend truth against the father of lies
Note: This episode was recorded prior to the announcement of Strickland’s removal as bishop of Tyler, Texas.
On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland gives a summary of his talk at the Rome Life Forum and comments on a quote by Pope St. Pius X.
Bishop Strickland: I have a duty before God to defend truth against the father of lies
Jeffrey Ade
Don't we all?
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
The Internet as we know it may disappear and the role of Christian Zionism in Israel’s formation explained It's already started with the current conflict in the Middle East. As conditions deteriorate …több
The Internet as we know it may disappear and the role of Christian Zionism in Israel’s formation explained
It's already started with the current conflict in the Middle East. As conditions deteriorate, there will then be an excuse to take drastic actions against perceived enemies.
Note from LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac: Whitney Webb, an exceptional investigative journalist, provides compelling comments on the extraordinary role of end-times, Christian Zionists in the original and continuing concept of the state of Israel and other issues in the following video.
The Internet as we know it may disappear and the role of Christian Zionism in Israel's formation explained - LifeSite
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
SYNODAL PUSHBACK: Bishop Schneider Launches Major Counter-Synod Offensive Michael Matt in Rome attends another Vatican press conference and challenges a Synodal Father on the question of whether the …több
SYNODAL PUSHBACK: Bishop Schneider Launches Major Counter-Synod Offensive
Michael Matt in Rome attends another Vatican press conference and challenges a Synodal Father on the question of whether the Synodal Church still believes it is necessary for anyone to become a Catholic.
Plus, Michael attends the launch of Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s new catechism.
Answering the call of Catholic mothers and fathers who are confused by what is happening at the hierarchical level of the Church, Bishop Schneider has written a question-and-answer catechism that will lovingly instruct Catholics all throughout the world on what they need to believe to keep the Catholic Faith, regardless of what the Synodal Church says or does.
What about transgender ideology? Drug use? Sex education? Transsexualism? This catechism is everything you need to keep the faith as the Synodal darkness covers the earth.
Good news, friends. All is not lost. There’s a war on, and Franics knows it!
This is an attempt to create the New World Religion. Make no mistake Mr Matt. They know exactly what they are doing and have an agenda: to make the …több
This is an attempt to create the New World Religion. Make no mistake Mr Matt. They know exactly what they are doing and have an agenda: to make the Roman Catholic Church irrelevant.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe Pope Francis will suddenly be called home (and not to Buenos Aires, Argentina) 🤪 🤪 😂 🤔
9 további megjegyzések
Catholics Stand Against the Synod in Rome On October 30, Catholic leaders presented to the media condemnations of the Synod on Synodality’s departure from the teachings of Jesus Christ as revealed in …több
Catholics Stand Against the Synod in Rome
On October 30, Catholic leaders presented to the media condemnations of the Synod on Synodality’s departure from the teachings of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Holy Scriptures.
Catholics Stand Against the Synod in Rome
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
The Green Scapular by Bishop Dolan (Traditional Catholic Sermon) Online transcript (written mistakes to be considered as so): 0:01 In the Gospel today our Blessed Savior 0:04 tells us other sheep I …több
The Green Scapular by Bishop Dolan
(Traditional Catholic Sermon)
Online transcript (written mistakes to be considered as so):
In the Gospel today our Blessed Savior
tells us other sheep I have that are not
0:08 of this fold them also I shall bring and 0:12 that they shall hear my voice in the 0:15 name of the Father and of the Son and of 0:18 the Holy Ghost amen when I was in high 0:21 school seminarian in Detroit I used to 0:25 go on Sundays to the Latin Mass at a 0:28 little Italian Church in downtown 0:30 Detroit and I got to know some people 0:33 who would give me a ride and I'd walk 0:34 down the street and I would meet them at 0:36 a certain corner by the expressway and 0:39 they would pick me up well it was a good 0:42 introduction to what the world calls the 0:44 traditional movement what we know as the 0:47 Catholics who are left because they were 0:49 a carload of characters and probably one 0:53 of the most colorful was an old Italian 0:55 lady when it was Marie 0:57 …több
The World Council for Health, in collaboration with expert advisers, is dedicated to providing the public with accurate and reliable information to promote health and well-being. In light of recent …több
The World Council for Health, in collaboration with expert advisers, is dedicated to providing the public with accurate and reliable information to promote health and well-being. In light of recent concerns regarding bacterial DNA and genetic sequences in mRNA vaccines, the World Council for Health has organized an Urgent Expert Hearing on this critical topic.
International expert panel:

Kevin McKernan, Dr Janci Lindsay, Prof Sucharit Bhakdi, Assoc Prof Byram Bridle, Dr Peter McCullough, Prof Brigitte König, Dr Jessica Rose, Dr Alexandra Henrion-Caude, and Katie Ashby-Koppens.
Urgent Expert Hearing on Reports of DNA Contamination in mRNA Vaccines
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
A Warning Against Freemasons and New World Order by Mar Mari Emmanuel The enemy is cunning and active. We are moving closer to the New World Order as described in Revelation. Don't be deceived by the …több
A Warning Against Freemasons and New World Order by Mar Mari Emmanuel
The enemy is cunning and active. We are moving closer to the New World Order as described in Revelation. Don't be deceived by the enemy, because Jesus is returning soon.
A Warning Against Freemasons and New World Order by Mar Mari Emmanuel
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
How the sanctity of motherhood can restore Christian society The Station of the Cross Catholic Radio Network, Mother Miriam shares with her audience excerpts from a Voice of the Family article titled …több
How the sanctity of motherhood can restore Christian society
The Station of the Cross Catholic Radio Network, Mother Miriam shares with her audience excerpts from a Voice of the Family article titled “The sanctity of the mother and the cult of ancestors.”
How the sanctity of motherhood can restore Christian society
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Converting to Catholicism in the time of Pope Francis | Timothy Flanders Editor-in-Chief of OnePeterFive Timothy Flanders exposes the worst ‘Deep Church’ plans and operations from the globalist Pope …több
Converting to Catholicism in the time of Pope Francis | Timothy Flanders
Editor-in-Chief of OnePeterFive Timothy Flanders exposes the worst ‘Deep Church’ plans and operations from the globalist Pope Francis Regime. From Pachamama worship in the Vatican, shadow ‘Deep Church’ actors, and the Synodal acceptance of sin, Pope Francis’ pontificate has been filled with confusion, division, and misinformation deceiving faithful Catholics. Flanders and the entire OnePeterFive team are sounding the alarm against dangers in the time of Pope Francis. Join John-Henry Westen as he goes one-on-one with Timothy Flanders to find out why he converted to the Catholic Faith — and why he continues to remain in the Catholic Church.
Converting to Catholicism in the time of Pope Francis
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Simon North
Men like Flanders never get to the heart of the issue. Francis inherited a Church revolutionized by three former Pontiffs. All three set the table for …több
Men like Flanders never get to the heart of the issue. Francis inherited a Church revolutionized by three former Pontiffs. All three set the table for everything that has occurred during Francis' tenure. Flanders et. al. long for the days of Wojtyla and Ratzinger. But they are professional myopics. Returning to the milieu of the their Pontificates is only a return to a less revolutionized, greatly impoverished Catholicism.
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
AN ANTI-GLOBALIST ALLIANCE / Resetting the world in Christ LifeSiteNews is proud to announce our 2023 Rome Life Forum in Rome, Italy. The two-day strategy conference will be held immediately after the …több
AN ANTI-GLOBALIST ALLIANCE / Resetting the world in Christ
LifeSiteNews is proud to announce our 2023 Rome Life Forum in Rome, Italy. The two-day strategy conference will be held immediately after the Vatican’s Synod on Synodality which threatens to formalize heretical teachings on the family.

We will focus on confronting the evils of the Deep Church and Deep State and their involvement in the Great Reset agenda. We will learn and work out together how we as Christ’s faithful can combat this diabolical movement under the direction of Our Lady.
Conference attendees will have the opportunity to actively participate in all forum strategy sessions with our guest speakers. The goal of the conference is to provide an interactive experience for all forum participants as we work together to formulate a plan to end corruption in the church, which will ultimately end corruption in the world.
Home - Rome Life Forum
THE CARDINAL’S SINS: A Vatican Secret Pact with the Devil Cardinal Timothy Dolan apologizes for the US Bishops over-the-top compliance with the covid lockdown. Bishop Joseph Strickland says that any …több
THE CARDINAL’S SINS: A Vatican Secret Pact with the Devil
Cardinal Timothy Dolan apologizes for the US Bishops over-the-top compliance with the covid lockdown.
Bishop Joseph Strickland says that any attempt to sever the Latin Mass from the Church is an attack on the Catholic Faith.
Cardinal Muller says bringing the Pachamama idols into St. Peters was a violation of God’s Law, and before he died, Cardinal Pell said that the upcoming Synod on Synodality is a toxic nightmare.
What’s going on here? Are the bishops waking up to the secret Catacombs Pact that Francis is trying to inflict on the Church?
THE CARDINAL’S SINS: A Vatican Secret Pact with the Devil
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Most evident flashes:
Re: bishops now having 2nd thoughts due to loss of attendance (revenues?) by enforcing the "pandemic" lockdown - the true Covidian believers still think …több
Re: bishops now having 2nd thoughts due to loss of attendance (revenues?) by enforcing the "pandemic" lockdown - the true Covidian believers still think Catholics didn't do enough! Quote from a liberal website:
"Those church communities which undermine the rights and needs of the poor and vulnerable, such as those who pitted themselves against COVID regulations, need to be criticized. Their ways as not the ways of Christ. They lift up their selfish desire and put it over the needs of others. It was not anti-Christian to tell Christians during the pandemic to close churches for a time. Rather, it is what Christians should have been doing, without being told to do so. They should have cared for the vulnerable, realizing that staying open, they could and did become super-spreaders of COVID, making them partly responsible for the deaths which occurred. Is it any wonder why so many Christians became so disgusted with their community when they saw how far their community strayed from way …több
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
VATICAN II, 60 YEARS LATER: Can You Handle the Truth? (includes never-before-seen vintage video) Michael Matt shares clips from a vintage documentary on the Second Vatican Council, and asks a few easy …több
VATICAN II, 60 YEARS LATER: Can You Handle the Truth? (includes never-before-seen vintage video)
Michael Matt shares clips from a vintage documentary on the Second Vatican Council, and asks a few easy questions:
Do you believe the Catholic Church is better off today than it was in 1965?
Do you believe the Gospel is being proclaimed to the world more efficiently?
Is the priesthood better off?
How about your extended family? Are they all still practicing?
No? So why are we still insisting that Vatican II was such a smashing success? What explains the almost cult-like adoration of a 60-year-old event that by all leading indicators left the Church in shambles?
This video includes vintage clips of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Walter Matt, and Michael Matt from the early 1970s. “The fight against Vatican II began right away, back when I was a kid,” Michael recalls, “and I guess I’d like to ask the Pollyannas out there to stop the ‘glad game’ and get real about about what really happened at …több
Elpidius . megosztja ezt
Association Exsurge Domine! Defende Ecclesiam tuam! The Association Exsurge Domine undertakes to “provide the assistance, support and material help of consecrated clerics, religious and lay people …több
Association Exsurge Domine! Defende Ecclesiam tuam!
The Association Exsurge Domine undertakes to “provide the assistance, support and material help of consecrated clerics, religious and lay people who are in conditions of particular economic and logistical difficulties; defend the unchanged and incorruptible Tradition of the Catholic Faith; preserve and promote the traditional Liturgy; encourage the study and theological and cultural deepening of the immense religious, historical and artistic heritage of Christianity”.
In many no longer Catholic nations – such as England, Germany or Holland – you can still see small chapels carved into attics and cellars, or domestic altars hidden in invisible wardrobes or niches: they served for the clandestine celebration of Mass in times of persecution, when it was a crime to be loyal to the Church of Rome and priests had to hide to avoid prison or death Without going back to Diocletian, even in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the 'papists'…több
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Online automated transcript of audio registration (written mistakes to be considered as so) Source: THE EXSURGE DOMINE ASSOCIATION IS BORN - Video in …több
Online automated transcript of audio registration (written mistakes to be considered as so)
the foundation of the Azusa domini Association to help priests and religious who are
victims of the bergoglian purges in a healthy Society
0:33 Authority exists to lead its members to the end is set for itself 0:40 the Catholic church is no exception she is a society endowed by Christ with 0:48 a sacred hierarchy which has the duty to Shepherd the flock 0:54 and Trust to her Care by her head where the Supernatural and which is 1:02 proper to her Authority whether civil or ecclesiastical 1:09 is always precarious because it is exercise 1:14 by person who receive it from God to whom it belongs 1:21 known as staining potestasia where 1:29 there is no Authority except that which is from God The Authority that exists have been 1:36 appointed by God simple remind us 1:43 the state and the church administer Justice one in the …több
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Exsurge Domine! Defende Ecclesiam tuam! In molte nazioni non più cattoliche – come ad esempio l’Inghilterra, la Germania o l’Olanda – si possono ancora oggi vedere delle piccole cappelle ricavate in …több
Exsurge Domine! Defende Ecclesiam tuam!
In molte nazioni non più cattoliche – come ad esempio l’Inghilterra, la Germania o l’Olanda – si possono ancora oggi vedere delle piccole cappelle ricavate in soffitte e cantine, o altari domestici nascosti in armadi o nicchie invisibili: servivano per la celebrazione clandestina della Messa nei tempi di persecuzione, quando era un reato essere fedeli alla Chiesa di Roma e i sacerdoti dovevano nascondersi per evitare la prigione o la condanna a morte. Senza risalire a Diocleziano, anche nel XVI e XVII secolo i “papisti” erano considerati una minaccia, ed erano appena tollerati finché non avevano chiese, conventi, seminari, scuole.
Queste persecuzioni si ripresentano oggi, in forma forse meno cruenta, e a compierle non sono i luterani o gli sgherri di Oliviero Cromwell, ma Cardinali, Vescovi e Prelati della setta conciliare, infiltrati in Vaticano e ben determinati a cancellare ogni traccia della “vecchia religione” e della “vecchia Messa” che hanno …több
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Trascrizione generata automaticamente dalla registrazione (leggi con questo in mente) Fonte: NASCE L'ASSOCIAZIONE EXSURGE DOMINE - Video in italiano 0:22 …több
Trascrizione generata automaticamente dalla registrazione (leggi con questo in mente)
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo
In una società sana
0:28 l'autorità esiste per condurre i suoi 0:31 membri al fine che essa si prefigge 0:36 non fa eccezione la Chiesa Cattolica che 0:40 è anch'esso una società dotata da Cristo 0:43 di una sacra gerarchia a cui impone 0:47 incombe il dovere di pacere gregge 0:50 affidatole dal suo capo verso il fine 0:53 soprannaturale che le è proprio 0:57 l'autorità sia essa civile o 1:01 ecclesiastica è sempre vicaria perché 1:06 viene esercitata da persone che la 1:09 ricevono da Dio a cui essa appartiene 1:14 non essere in impotestas Misia Deo que 1:19 autmsunt adeo ordinate sul non c'è 1:24 autorità se non da Dio quelle che 1:27 esistono sono stabilite da Dio 1:30 ci ricorda San Paolo 1:33 lo Stato e la chiesa 1:35 amministrano la giustizia 1:38 uno nell'ambito temporale in nome di 1:41 Cristo Re e …több
Bazsó-Dombi Attila